This is my life. It's full, fast, furious, and filled with lots of people I love. Today is my birthday. I celebrate birthweek. If you don't, I recommend you start. This birthweek, however, tops all.
My birthweek started last Thursday with my husband's birthday, exactly one week before mine. On momentous birthdays, we have a big old combined party. This year we're just having the family BBQ. Friday was a hoe-down at Ethan's school and I met with Aubry Mintz at CSULB about teaching a class. Saturday I graduated from California State University Fullerton with my MFA in Illustration. Those of you who have done this know how hard and rewarding this is. Sunday we planted an organic garden. Monday was my friend Frans from grad school's wedding- totally adorable. Tuesday I had this amazing lunch at La Vie en Rose- I was fortunate enough to be given a great scholarship from the Leo Freedman foundation, and this was the scholarship luncheon. What great conversation and amazing people I got to meet there! Recipients were from Theater Arts and Music, as well as Visual Arts. Kathleen played the most incredible violin for us! Yesterday I had breakfast with my illustrator group, also wonderful and talented people.
And now today! My mom is taking me to lunch, and then a quiet evening at home (I still have grades to turn in and artwork to post tomorrow! Work among the playing!)
Anyhow, if you are my friend or family and you're reading this, thank you. You make my life so full!